How to deal with Temper Tantrums: Why it’s actually best for parents to give in to them!

How to deal with Temper Tantrums: Why it’s actually best for parents to give in to them!

There is a very popular concept going around the is pretty much universally accepted by most researchers, that when a child has a tantrum because he or she wants something, and you give in to the tantrum and give him what he wants, you behaviorally reinforce the tantrum, ensuring that he will have more tantrums in the future. The logic is that the child sees that having a tantrum gets him the reward he wants, so he is motivated to have more tantrums in the future as a way of getting what he wants. I actually agree that giving in can lead to more tantrums, at least in the short run and under certain conditions. But in discussing how to deal with temper tantrums, my point is you should still give in to them as best as you can anyway, and combined with some other strategies, you will in the long run actually eliminate tantrums! Let me explain…

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How Does Stuttering Therapy For Children Work Using Play Therapy and Parenting Interventions?

How Does Stuttering Therapy For Children Work Using Play Therapy and Parenting Interventions?

If I were to tell you that stuttering is genetic, or a hard-wired brain or speech defect, there would be nothing you could do to prevent it and little you could do to cure it, as you can’t change a child’s genetics or biology very much. But since I’m telling you that it is fueled by stressors in the environment, by changing the child’s environment through stuttering therapy for children including Play Therapy and Parenting Interventions, you can defuse what’s fueling the stuttering, and even allow it to be replaced with healthy speech habits which develop from the child’s newly earned emotional health!

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How to help my child feel good about himself: The secret to true self-esteem.

How to help my child feel good about himself: The secret to true self-esteem.

Self-esteem is based on having a conscious awareness of, honoring and respecting one's own emotions, needs, decisions and desires. A person with healthy self-esteem thinks, “I am aware of how I feel. Sometimes I feel this way, and sometimes I feel that way. I have a right to feel anything I want. My desires are legitimate and should be honored. I have a right to honor and try to fulfill any of my desires. My needs are important and people need to respect and attend to them. My decisions are valid and important and need to be honored and respected by people.” Such a person not only has a healthy relationship with himself, but since he treats himself with so much respect, he tends to treat others with equal respect and to be very kind, generous and helpful. How do we get a child to think in this healthy way

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Happiness is not just a plus, it’s a need and the most important tool for child success!

Happiness is not just a plus, it’s a need and the most important tool for child success!

Many parents think that happiness is like a goal that they would like their children to achieve some day, like it's the icing on the cake. The important thing in life is to be a good person and to be successful, and happiness is like a nice pleasant extra. However I'm saying that happiness is like a tool that must be constantly applied in a child's life, it is the most important tool for child success. It is a most critical ingredient in the recipe for moral character.

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Play Therapy Interventions for ADHD: How does it work?

Play Therapy Interventions for ADHD: How does it work?

It is remarkable how well Play Therapy interventions for ADHD work! I have seen wonderful results with many children, and abundant research supports its effectiveness. 

Play therapy operates with three main mechanisms: 1) Helping the child process distracting emotions, 2) Improving the power of decision and executive functioning, and 3) reducing impulsivity. Together with Parenting Counseling, it is doubly effective.


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What Are The Benefits of Play Therapy For My Child’s Emotional Health?

What Are The Benefits of Play Therapy For My Child’s Emotional Health?

While we do not allow all behaviors in children, we should allow and accept all feelings. Feelings are automatic and natural and not a product of conscious choice, so letting them flow is necessary for a child’s emotional development. However, when children express strong or negative feelings and desires, they are often met with disapproval by their parents or other adults. If he or she says, “I hate my brother!” the parent may respond, “Don’t say that! You really love him.”

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Buying kids toys – call them: “Emergency Toys”

Buying kids toys – call them: “Emergency Toys”

As I have said elsewhere, a generous amount of happiness for children is not a frivolous desire, a privilege or even a right, it is a deep and fundamental need. Growing up without enough happiness, joy and pleasure actually generates emotional illness. It is our job as parents to provide that happiness daily, in doses wisely administered at specific intervals when needed. 

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Safety First but don't forget Emotional Safety

Safety First but don't forget Emotional Safety

I can’t stress enough how careful we as parents need to be with our children’s physical safety! There are unfortunately many accidents that might have been prevented. Therefore, we should never take any unnecessary risks with children. Yet, while guarding our children’s physical safety, we need avoid turning an excess of caution into a danger to their emotional health and safety! 

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